Light and Love Reiki has moved!

You can now find Light And Love Reiki, and more on our new website 

You can still look at various pages on this website, about Reiki and read the attunement list of available modalities. You can purchase them through the new website by going here

After many years (est 2004) of serving the public and offering Reiki attunements, tarot readings and astrology constulations – we have decided to move to a new website. The website is named after your host, Starlene Breiter. This site will stay up for some time, but nothing new will be put on it. For an updated look at the things that are offered, please go to the new website. 

Many updates will be going on this site, so be sure to bookmark it and come back. Part of the journey with Reiki is sharing it with others, and the wisdom to use it for healing.

Light and Love Reiki welcomes all Reiki lineages, teachers, and students. Light and Love Reiki is an online school where you can learn Reiki from. You can connect with other healers in the Facebook community too.

Be sure to visit the “About” page to know who we are and what we do. Also, the top navigation bars have different topics related to healing.

Thanks for stopping by!

~Starlene Breiter PAC, RMT